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Legacy Syntax Documentation

Parameters are entered in the query string, separated by semi-colons and ampersand characters.

This syntax was introduced in 2008 for PlayReady 1.0, extended in 2010 for PlayReady 2.0, extended in 2015 for PlayReady 3.0, and supports only a sub-set of the PlayReady 3.X features:


LAURL ( Description
rightsmanager.asmx?PlayRight=1&UseSimpleNonPersistentLicense=1 Request a non-persistent license, with a Play right, and a minimum Security Level of 150. Handy for testing, as the client will have to trigger a new license acquisition every time it does a new playback or creates a new session
rightsmanager.asmx?PlayRight=1&FirstPlayExpiration=60 Request a persistent license with a Play right and an expiration of 60 seconds after first playback, and a minimum Security Level of 150
rightsmanager.asmx?PlayRight=1&FirstPlayExpiration=60&UncompressedDigitalVideoOPL=270 Request a persistent license, expiring 60 seconds after first playback, with an uncompressed video Output Protection Level of 270
rightsmanager.asmx?PlayRight=1&UseSimpleNonPersistentLicense=1&UncompressedDigitalVideoOPL=300 &DigitalVideoOutputProtection={ABB2C6F1-E663-4625-A945-972D17B231E7};AAAAAQ== Request a non-persistent license with an Uncompressed Video Output Protection Level of 300 and requiring HDCP Type 1 (HDCP 2.1 or higher) if signal goes to HDMI


Parameter Values Comments, example, default value
SecurityLevel 150, 2000 Specifies the Minimum Security Level policy of the license
PlayRight 1 Adds the Play right to the license if present
UseSimpleNonPersistentLicense 1 Specifies the license is non pesistent (i.e. only stored in RAM) and attached to a player session. The client will need a new license every time a new playback session is started
Expiration mm/dd/yyyy [hh:mm:ss] Specifies the expiration date of the license - Example: Expiration=12/01/2016
BeginDate mm/dd/yyyy [hh:mm:ss] Specifies the being date of when a license starts to be valid - Example: BeginDate=12/01/2015
GracePeriod seconds GracePeriod=360 - Specifies the Grace Period policy in seconds.
FirstPlayExpiration seconds Specifies the expiration in seconds of the license after its first used - Example: FirstPlayExpiration=360
CopyRight 1 Adds the Copy right to the license if present.
CopyCount CopyCount Usage:CopyCount=3 - Adds a Copy Count restriction if a Copy right is present.
UseDomains 1 UseDomains=1 - License is bound to a domain certificate rather then a client or root certificate.
UseMetering 1 Flags content with a Metering identifier.
UplinkKey string representation or base64 encoded Specifies the Guid of a Root certificate to bind the license to.
UseRootLicense 1 License returned with be designated a Root license.
CompressedDigitalAudioOPL int Specifies the Output Protection Level for compressed digital audio content - Example: CompressedDigitalAudioOPL=300
UncompressedDigitalAudioOPL int Specifies the Output Protection Level for uncompressed digital audio content - Example: UncompressedDigitalAudioOPL=300
CompressedDigitalVideoOPL int Specifies the Output Protection Level for compressed digital video content - Example: CompressedDigitalVideoOPL=0
UncompressedDigitalVideoOPL int Specifies the Output Protection Level for uncompressed digital video content - Example: UncompressedDigitalVideoOPL=300
AnalogVideoOPL int Specifies the Output Protection Level for analog video content - Example: AnalogVideoOPL=150
AnalogVideoOutputProtection guid; base64 integer Specifies an Explicit Analog Video Output Protection - with the given GUID and integer configuration data - Example: AnalogVideoOutputProtection=C3FD11C6-F8B7-4D20-B008-1DB17D61F2DA;Aw==
DigitalAudioOutputProtection guid; base64 integer Specifies an Explicit Digital Audio Output Protection - with the given GUID and integer configuration data - Example: DigitalAudioOutputProtection=6D5CFA59-C250-4426-930E-FAC72C8FCFA6;Aw==
ExtendedRestriction guid ExtendedRestriction
Restricted 1 Restricted
SourceID int SourceID
TransactionId guid TransactionId
PlayEnablers guid Specifies a Play Enabler with the given GUID - Example: PlayEnablers=786627D8-C2A6-44BE-8F88-08AE255B01A7
ExplicitACP guid ExplicitACP
ExecuteRight 1 Adds the Execute right to the license if present
ContentKey Base64 byte array Uses the specified content key in the returned license. If not present, the server returns by default the content key derived from the server Test Key Seed and the KID provided in the challenge - Example: ContentKey=eNqVnXrElmo2NSsn7IXeEA==
KeySeed Base64 byte array Uses the specified key seed to derive the content key from the KID provided in the challenge - Example: KeySeed=XVBovsmzhP9gRIZxWfFta3VVRPzVEWmJsazEJ46I
    The following parameters are supported only by PlayReady 3.0+ clients
SecurityLevel 150, 2000, 3000 Specifies the Minimum Security Level policy of the license
DigitalVideoOutputProtection guid Specifies HDCP Type 1 restriction - Example: DigitalVideoOutputProtection=;AAAAAQ==
SecureStop 1 SecureStop
RealTimeExpiration 1 Specifies the Real Time Expiration policy in the license. Time based policies will be enforced in real time during playback
MaxResDecode x The first int defines the maximum frame width in pixels - the second int defines the maximum frame height in pixels - Example: MaxResDecode=1920x1080