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PlayReady 2.0+ Test Content

The content proposed on this page is compatible with PlayReady version 2.0 and higher clients: 2.0, 2.5, 2.11, 3.0, 3.2, and higher.

Note: some of the test content listed below was created long ago and includes a default LA_URL in their PlayReady Header which no longer exist.
We recommend that you use this test content with a specific LA_URL that you set in your client app, instead of relying on the default value. In general, the following LA_URL should be fine for most of the content listed below:
LA_URL =,sl:150)

DescriptionSource: Tears Of Steel (c) Copyright Blender Foundation |
Tool chainAzure Media Services encoder
Creation Date01 August 2011
Video Encoding SettingsH264 1080p fragmented
Audio Encoding SettingsAAC
Encryption SettingsCENC AES 128 CTR - Fixed Key
Video KID{6f651ae1-dbe4-4434-bcb4-690d1564c41c}
Audio KID{6f651ae1-dbe4-4434-bcb4-690d1564c41c}
Multi DRMFalse
PlayReady WRMHEADER4.0
LA URL,sl:150)
MPEG-DASH (protected)
Smooth Streaming (protected)

NameIIS PLAYREADY2.0 VOD (720p, H264 AAC, encrypted)
DescriptionSource: Super Speedway Trailer. Hosted on IIS (in a VM on Azure)
Tool chainInternal process
Creation Date01 August 2010
Video Encoding SettingsH264 720p
Audio Encoding SettingsAAC
Encryption SettingsAES 128 CTR
Video KID{09E36702-8F33-436C-A5DD-60FFE6671E70}
Audio KID{09E36702-8F33-436C-A5DD-60FFE6671E70}
Multi DRMFalse
PlayReady WRMHEADER4.0
Smooth Streaming manifest
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File

NameIIS PLAYREADY2.0 VOD (720p, H264 AAC, clear)
DescriptionSource: Super Speedway Trailer. Hosted on IIS (in a VM on Azure)
Tool chainInternal process
Creation Date01 August 2010
Video Encoding SettingsH264 720p
Audio Encoding SettingsAAC
Encryption SettingsNot encrypted
Multi DRMFalse
Smooth Streaming manifest
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File
Individual File

NameIIS PLAYREADY2.0 LIVE - H264 AAC CENC Live with Key Rotation
DescriptionSource: Tears Of Steel. (c) Copyright Blender Foundation | Hosted on IIS
Tool chainInternal process
Creation Date01 March 2011
Video Encoding SettingsH264 720p
Audio Encoding SettingsAAC
Encryption SettingsCENC AES 128 CTR with Key Rotation and Scalable Licenses
Multi DRMFalse
PlayReady WRMHEADER4.0
Smooth Streaming manifest